Generally if you are getting nicer lenses like the 18mm Zuiko, 30mm Zodiak or the 85mm Helios, you will get to lean to the 5 lenses, any other lenses and you may lean to the 6 lens package, same price.
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Generally if you are getting nicer lenses like the 18mm Zuiko, 30mm Zodiak or the 85mm Helios, you will get to lean to the 5 lenses, any other lenses and you may lean to the 6 lens package, same price.
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Helios ($19-$99)
Helios ($19-$99)
Helios ($19-$99)
Helios ($19-$99)
Helios ($19-$99)
Helios ($19-$99)
Helios ($19-$99)
Helios ($19-$99)